
Jiqun Liu
Assistant Professor and Lab Director at the School of Library and Information Studies, University of Oklahoma.
My research focuses on the intersection of human-computer interaction (HCI), interactive information seeking/retrieval, and cognitive psychology, and seeks to apply the knowledge learned about people interacting with information in adaptive recommendation, user education and intelligent nudging.

Yong Ju Jung
Assistant Professor at the School of Library and Information Studies, University of Oklahoma.
My research centers on the social and affective aspects of informal learning and information behaviors with innovative technologies across libraries, museums, makerspaces, and online environments. I am particularly interested in children’s interest development and agency during collaborative and interactive learning experiences.
PhD Students

Ben Wang
PhD Student in Information Studies (2021 – )
My research interests are in Large Language Models, Interactive Information Retrieval and Human-Computer Interaction. Understanding user behaviors from user studies and intergrating state-of-art models, my research aims to improve user experience and system performance in Human-AI Interaction.

Mahdieh Nazari
PhD Student in Information Studies (2022 – )
My research interests include Human-Computer Interaction and User Studies. I studied Information Science at both grad and undergrad levels and my master’s minor was Information Management. My thesis focused on assessing the Usability of my university’s Learning Management System from the user’s point of view. This experience allowed me to learn more about users’ cognitive biases and how they perceive and use our LMS.
Master Student

Darius Jones
M.S. Data Science, OU DSAI (2022.2 – )
Research Interest: User Behavior Analysis; User-centered Information Retrieval Evaluation.

Tyler Brown
M.S. Data Science, OU DSAI (2021.6 – )
Research Interest: Expectation-aware Information Retrieval Evaluation.
Undergraduate Student

Diego Cifuentes Madero
Computer Engineering, OU (2024 – )
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Data Analytics, Large Language Models.

Danielle Mosby
Information Science and Technology, OU (2024 – )
Keywords: Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Human-Computer Interaction.

Jamshed Karimnazarov
Computer Science, OU (2023.5 – )
Keywords: Machine Learning, Large Language Models, Recommendation systems.

Nicolas Thompson
Computer Science, OU (2023.8 – )
Keywords: Ethical Engineering, Machine Learning, Human Computer Interaction.

Brandon Robertiello
Computer Science, OU (2023.2 – )
Keywords: Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction.

Jack Graham
Economics, OU (2023.2 – )
Keywords: Behavioral Economics, Data Analytics.

Keon Moradi
Computer Science and Mathematics, OU (2022.8 – )
Research Interests: Machine learning, Fairness-aware learning to rank in information retrieval.

Zeming Hu
Petroleum Engineering, OU (2022.2 – )
Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Data Analytics.
Visitors and External Student Collaborators

Yuhao Zhang
Visiting PhD Student, Renmin University of China (2022 – )
My research interests are in Digital Inequality, Community Informatics, and Interactive Information Seeking. I received my master degree in Information Science at the School of Information and Resource Management in Renmin University of China. Focusing on the interplay between ICTs and the disadvantaged groups, I would try to explore more ways to promote digital equity.
Fangyuan Han
MS student, Xiamen University (2020.9 – )
Research Interest: Users’ Systematic Biases in Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems.
Tianji Jiang
PhD student, UCLA (2021.7 – )
Research Interests: Biases and Limitations in User Experiment Reporting, Human Information Behavior.

Satanu Ghosh
PhD Student in Information Studies (2021 – 2022)
My research interests are Conversational Information Retrieval and Interactive Information Retrieval using NLP techniques. My bachelor's degree is in Computer Science & Engineering, and that enables me to take more computationally challenging projects related to information science. I have used transformer-based approaches in some of my recent projects and would try to explore more in the future. You can find more about my research publications.

Pragya Chatterjee
BSIST, OU SLIS (2021 – 2024)
Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Data Analytics.
Julie Torgerson
MLIS, Graduate Assistant, OU SLIS (2020.9 – 2021.5)
Research Interest: Survey on User Study Methods.
Meghana Nagendra
M.S. Data Science, OU DSAI (2021.1 – 2021.5)
Research Interest: Decoy Effect in Recommender Systems.
Qingyang Wang
Undergraduate student, Rutgers University (2020.9 – 2021.4)
Research Interest: Task State Extraction and Prediction in Interactive Information Retrieval.